shirt: Decrepit Birth - The Living Doorway
size: 2XL (US)
vintage: 2009
provenance: festival
Because I actually ended up missing these guys at NEMHF '09 (despite getting the shirt), I was initially concerned that I'd missed a release or something. Nope, I just hadn't listened to Diminishing Between Worlds in forever and had forgotten the name of the first fucking song on the record. This is the inspiration for this rather cool art piece, and a strong argument that I need to listen to more Decrepit Birth more regularly.
And yes, as noted, and as will be further detailed when I get around to transcribing those notes (probably come the weekend), I missed Decrepit Birth in favor of Toxic Holocaust. The short version is that DB tours and Toxic doesn't, generally, and the worst part is that it was only because the running order got fucked up, and by that point it was sufficiently un-fucked-up that I probably could have seen both, but did not in the rather unnecessary chaos. Someone buy Scott Lee a pair of greaseboards, and promise to store them in your living room or basement 51 weekends a year so he doesn't have to do a damned thing except get some runner to write on them when the order changes.
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