shirt: Wacken 2008
size: XL (EU)
vintage: 2008
provenance: festival
This one, pretty obviously, was picked up at the '08 Wacken Open Air, and may have been the dead-last available of this design, at least when I picked it up. As detailed in the rundown of the festival, it was down to me and a fat(ter) guy for the last two in this style, and I let him take the larger one, leaving me with this, which marginally fits, and even if/when I get my act together and lose the fatbelt around the waist, it's still going to be tight across the chest.
I normally opt for Black Stage gear, but this year, like about 69,999 other festivalgoers, I had to have something with the date and the Iron Maiden logo on it, because this was kind of epochal. And by the time I got around to hitting the merch stand, mostly everything else was sold out. Good enough; this shirt is just fine.
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